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Limonene - Terpene Isolate - 5ml

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SKU: LimoneneTerpeneIsolate5ml


Limonene- Terpene Isolate – 5ml

Limonene is a terpene with a distinct lemon-like scent and is most commonly found in the skin of citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges.

Properties: Limonene

  • Color: Colorless
  • Consistency: Liquid, oily
  • Odor: Citrus
  • Taste: Citrus
  • Boiling point: 176ºC
  • Flash point: 48ºC
  • Solubility: In water, 13.8 mg/L at 25ºC
  • Formula: C10H16
  • Density: 0.8411 g/cm3 at 20ºC
  • Molecular Weight: 136.238 g/mol

Where does Limonene come from?

Limonene, one of the most common terpenes in nature, is typically found in the skin of citrus fruits such as lemon and orange. At room temperature, it is a clear colorless liquid best known for its distinct, lemon-like scent. It is often used in goods such as bath products, air-fresheners, and as a flavoring agent.

What is Limonene used for?

It is often used in goods such as bath products, air-fresheners, and as a flavoring agent.

How to use Terpene Isolate

How people use terpenes and the quantities they add to various concoctions is a personal preference. However, pure terpenes are extremely strong and research is advised prior to using terpene isolates.

Limonene- Certificate of Analysis


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