Fat Boy Cotton By Leaf House

Fat Boy Cotton is a vape cotton brand created by Leaf House Vape Shop Australia. The idea behind this vape cotton was to offer a premium quality cotton manufactured to the highest standards and specifically for vaping. The staff at Leaf house Vape Shop reached out to some of the most well respected vape cotton producers to eventually select this extra fluffy, super absorbent and 100% organic cotton. This cotton is specifically produced for vaping and is heat resistant, retains the authentic flavours of your e-liquids and shown to last longer than other brands of vape cotton. The width of this cotton is super fat and soo soft, so when it came to the name, Fat Boy Cotton was the obvious choice.

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Fat Boy Cotton By Leaf HouseLeaf House Cotton
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Fat Boy Cotton - Leaf House Vape Shop

Fat Boy Cotton FQAs

YES, Fat Boy cotton was sourced from a specialized vape cotton producer that sells the same cotton to high-end brand around the world.